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Newsletter of the week

A great night out this coming Saturday in Buenos Aires, November 26th!
The bookstore night!

Un sábado increíble en Buenos Aires, la noche de las librerías!

Monday November 28th night out ! we go to the cinema!
¡Vamos al cine!

Even if you dont have a high level of Spanish come and share a movie in Spanish, one of the last ones which has received very good reviews
If you want the plan is to meet next wednesday at 7.30pm at the Village Recoleta Cinemas, please see the link:

Watch the review:

Please, confirm if you want to join us!

Phrases with the verb ʻDarʼ

Dar en el blanco – To get something right
He dado en el blanco, he acertado quien era el asesino.
I guessed right. I knew who the killer was.
Dar lo mismo / dar igual – To not have a preference
-¿Prefieres cenar carne o pescado?
-Me da lo mismo / Me da igual.
-Would you like to have meat or fish for supper?
-I donʼt mind.
Dar asco – To find something disgusting
He comido tanto pollo en las dos últimas semanas que ahora me da asco.
Iʼve eaten so much chicken over the last two weeks that now I find it disgusting.
Dar un empujón – To give someone (or something, like a
piece of work) a push / a bit of encouragement
Me voy a quedar a trabajar hasta tarde porque quiero darle un empujón al
Iʼm going to stay late at work as Iʼd like to give the project a good push.
Voy a estudiar Inglés este fin de semana porque le tengo que dar un buen
empujón antes del examen.
Iʼm going to study English this weekend as I need to make a big effort before the
Hay que dar un empujón a María para que se anime a presentarse al examen de
I have to encourage Maria to take her driving test.
Dar carta blanca – To give license / carte blanche
Como es mi cumpleaños mi madre me ha dado carta blanca para que vuelva a
casa a la hora que quiera.
As it is my birthday today, my mum has given me carte blanche to come back
home as late as I like.
Dar con – To find
No pude dar con los motivos de la huelga.
I couldnʼt find the reason for the strike.
No pude dar con Juan por más que le busqué.
I couldnʼt find Juan, as much as I looked for him.
Dar de comer – To feed
Tengo que dar de comer a mi gato.
I have to feed my cat.
Dar en – To hit
Me di en la cabeza con la puerta.
I hit my head on the door.
Darse cuenta – To realize
Me di cuenta de mi error justo después de haber entregado el examen.
I realized my mistake just after I had handed in my exam.
Dar la luz – To turn the light on
¡Da la luz, que no veo nada!
Turn the light on, I canʼt see anything!
Dar a luz – To give birth
Mi hermana dio a luz ayer.
My sister had her baby yesterday.
Qué más da – What does it matter
Si tu hija está contenta con él, ¿qué más te da a ti?
Sheʼs happy with him, whatʼs it to you?
Dar en el clavo – To hit the nail on the head
Has dado en el clavo, hace exactamente 5ºC.
Youʼve hit the nail on the head, the temperature is exactly 5ºC.
No dar ni clavo – Not to do anything / any work
Hoy no he dado ni clavo, me he pasado el día tomando café y charlando con mis
compañeros de trabajo.
I havenʼt done a thing, Iʼve spent the day having coffee and speaking to my
¡Te voy a dar! – I’m going to hit / get you !
¡Si no te callas, te voy a dar!
If you donʼt shut up, Iʼm going to get you.
Dar a – To look out on
Mi habitación del hotel da a la calle.
My hotel room looks out on the street.
Darse prisa – To hurry
¡Date prisa, que llegamos tarde! Hurry up or weʼre going to be late!
Dar por – To consider
Lo doy por perdido.
I consider it lost.
Darse por vencido – To give up
A pesar de las dificultades no se dio por vencido.
Despite the difficulties she didnʼt give up.
Dar pena – To feel sorry
Me da pena la gente que vive en la calle.
I feel sorry for the people who live on the street.
Dar vergüenza – To embarrass
Me da vergüenza cantar en el karaoke.
Iʼm embarrassed to sing karaoke.
Dar rienda suelta – To give free rein
Tienes que dar rienda suelta a tu imaginación.
You have to let your imagination run wild.
Dar por hacer algo – To get the urge / feel like doing
El sábado por la tarde me dio por ir al cine sola.
On Saturday afternoon I got the urge to go to the cinema by myself.
A veces me da por comer chocolate y no puedo parar.
Sometimes I feel like eating chocolate and I canʼt stop.
Darse de alta – To sign up or register
Me quiero dar de alta en un seguro médico privado.
I want to sign up for private health insurance.
Dar el alta – To discharge
Le han dado el alta en el hospital.
Theyʼve discharged her from the hospital.
Dar a entender – To imply
Dio a entender que sería un año difícil para la empresa.
Dar mil vueltas a algo / alguien – To runs rings around
Esta ciudad da mil vueltas a Londres.
This city is much better than London.
Dar vueltas a algo – To think something over
No puedo parar de dar vueltas al accidente de coche que tuve ayer.
I canʼt stop thinking about the car accident that I had yesterday.
Dar el día – To get the day off / To give someone a hell of
a day
Me han dado el día en el trabajo.
Theyʼve give me the day off at work.
Mi hija me ha dado el día, primero se ha caído en un charco, y le he tenido que
cambiar toda la ropa, y luego no ha parado de llorar en toda la tarde.
My daughter has given me a hell of a day, firstly she fell in a paddle and I had to
Dar la razón – To agree with completely / To be on
someone’s side
Por fin me dio la razón e hicimos las paces.
He finally admitted I was right and we made peace.